Best Dam Team Competition - April 26th, 2025
This friendly WAM team competition takes place on the Best Dam Fishing Float/Barge on the Mississippi River near La Crosse, Wisconsin. This location has become a favorite for members, especially WAM Slam participants. This event will take the place of our Border Battle. Be sure to join our Facebook Best Damn Team Competition page for timely updates.
LOCATION: The Best Dam Fishing Float. For directions using google maps, type in “Upper I-90 Mississippi River Public Water Access, La Crescent, MN 55947”
For Apple Maps, type in “Lock & Dam No. 7, La Crescent, MN 55947.”
For more info on the barge and where it's located, please visit their page on Facebook. This event IS handicap accessible. You will take their pontoon shuttle from the Minnesota side of the river over to the fishing float.
SCHEDULE: The tournament runs from 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM, but shuttle starts at approximately 6:30 AM. We suggest getting there early so you are set up and ready to go. It does take a while to transport everyone over by pontoon.
Many people pre-fish on Friday, which is optional but fun - especially if you are in the WAM Slam. On Friday night, we have a rules meeting at Moxies (1835 Rose St, La Crosse, WI 54603) from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM. Then we have a rigging session at 8:00 PM at the AmericInn La Crosse (same location as Moxies this year).
Prep & River Rigging Zoom Call is tentatively set for Wednesday, April 9th - stay tuned for more details.
WHAT TO BRING: Rods - medium light worked best for walleye and panfish. Even though you can only use one rod at a time, it helps to bring multiple rods to switch from panfish to the larger fish rigs, or there can be tangles and snags. If you plan on fishing sturgeon outside the tournament, bring a heavier rod.
Tackle - The primary tackle was a variety of floating jigs, colored hooks and weights (1, 1.5 and 2oz - but they can be purchased on the barge once we know the appropriate weight) swivels (the three way did well last year) along with crank baits, rip n raps. The barge sells weights and river rigs for fishing for $5.00 if you are not sure what to use.
Nets are provided, but if you plan to fish from shore, you may want to bring one.
Chairs - There are some tables with umbrellas, but you may also want to bring a chair.
Live Bait - The barge sells night crawlers and reds, but you’ll need to bring your own minnows, etc. We suggest you coordinate with your team.
Wagons - For the sake of space, we suggest you leave these home or risk getting yelled at by Captain Tom.
FOOD & DRINK: The barge does sell food (pizza, hot dogs, etc.) but feel free to bring your own food/ snacks and drinks.
Hotels: We do not have a room block, but suggest the following
AmericInn by
1835 Rose Street, La Crosse, WI 54603
Approx $120 per night
Comfort Inn Onalaska
1223 Crossing Meadows Drive
Onalaska, WI
Approximately $112 per night
Note: last year people stayed at other hotels near the AmericInn and they were not good.
Team Total based on the following categories:
Stringer 10 panfish (sunfish, perch or crappie)
Stringer 5 walleye (walleye/sauger)
Stringer 5 pike
Stringer 5 bass (largemouth, smallmouth, white bass)
WAM will choose a captain for each team and then use a random drawing to create teams of 5 to 7 people depending on how many register. We encourage you to come up with a team name and have some fun with it!
Contest runs from 8:30am to 2:30pm
Pre-fishing is allowed until 8:15 am, then lines must be out of the water.
Group & Team Pictures on the main dock followed by National Anthem
Each angler is only allowed to use one rod for the contest
Anglers are allowed to fish from the shore around the dock
You need to have a member from the opposing team verify the measurement of your fish and initial your score card.
Team captains will need to gather their team sheets. Totals will be entered into an excel doc - team captains only will be allowed in the clubhouse during this time.
The team with the highest total combined inches will be the winner.
All participants will automatically be entered into the largest fish competition in each category
Approximately 3:00 - Winning team will be awarded along with the biggest fish contest for those who paid to participate.
As this is a new format, rules are subject to change
Michelle Morey president@womenanglersmn.com - Michelle will be out of the country from March 12th - March 24 so there may be a delay in answers. Please post on the event Facebook page for assistance.
By registering for this event, you are agreeing to the following:
I understand that participating in a fishing tournament is a potentially hazardous activity. I should not enter unless I am medically able. I assume any and all risks associated with this fishing trip, foreseen or unforeseen, known or unknown. Knowing these facts and in consideration of the acceptance of my application and application fee by Women Anglers of Minnesota (WAM), I hereby, for myself, my executors, administrators or anyone else who might claim on my behalf, agree not to sue and waive, release and discharge WAM, other competitors, hosts, sponsors, volunteers, and tournament officials, including their agents, employees, or assigns from all claims or liability of death, personal injury, or property damage of any kind arising out of or in the course of my participation in this event. I am at least 18 years of age. I acknowledge that I have read and agree to the tournament rules.
I grant WAM the right to use photographs, video, and information concerning my participation in this tournament for any internal WAM or third-party media.
WAM participants should not consume alcohol during the tournament. Illegal drugs of any kind are also not allowed. Any violation of this policy may result in a participant being asked to leave without a refund.
WAM encourages all members to show respect for others, both inside and outside of the organization. Conduct by anyone during any part of the event that is illegal, violent, dangerous, irresponsibly puts others at risk, or is conduct that reflects poorly on Women Anglers of Minnesota may result in the member being asked to leave and no refunds will be provided.
In the event that you need to cancel, a refund will be provided through April 19th. After that, there are no refunds. However, because this is a team competition, it is still helpful to know if you are not coming so we can make sure we have a full team to compete! Please contact the event coordinator to handle your cancellation.
By registering for this event, you are acknowledging that an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present. By attending this event, you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19 and agree not to hold Women Anglers of Minnesota or any of their affiliates, directors, officers, contractors, or volunteers liable for any illness or injury. You also agree that you will not attend if you have COVID-19.