The Master Angler Program is one of WAM's most popular programs and provides a species-specific pin for a member who catches and releases a qualifying fish based on length. The contest year runs from April 1st to March 31st. 2024 PROGRAM UPDATES
Review our list of approved bump boards HERE Addition of Bowfin & Freshwater Drum Removal of Salmon |
This award will be given to each member for any qualifying fish in each category. Only one submission per species will be accepted each year. You will receive recognition on social media and a special pin commemorating your Master Angler catch. This award will be given to the angler who has achieved the most Master Angler Awards. If there is a tie, all participants will receive the award. The winner will be announced at the Open Water Tournament and will receive a plaque and jacket commemorating their achievement. NOTE: All core category fish and up to three Specialty and Rough category fish are eligible towards your total count for this award. You are only eligible to win this award once every three years. This award will be given to a new member who has achieved the most Master Angler Awards during the program year of April 1st to March 31st. To accommodate new members that register at the ice shoes, they have the option to count December to March 31st, or hold off until the next contest year of April 1st to March 31st. If there is a tie, all participants will receive the award. The winner will be announced at the Open Water Tournament and will receive a plaque commemorating their achievement. Note: All core category fish and up to three Specialty and Rough category fish are eligible towards your total pin count for this award. This award will be given to a member who has achieved the most Master Angler Awards during the program year of April 1st to March 31st in the Specialty & Rough categories. The winner will be announced at the Open Water Tournament and will receive a plaque commemorating their achievement. You are only eligible to win this awards once every three years. This custom necklace is awarded to members who have achieved six master angler awards. These master angler awards can be multi-species or all of one species (still a maximum of one species award er year). This is a cumulative award from program inceptions on 06/01/2017. Meaning if it takes you until 2025 or longer to achieve this, we will maintain the records as long as the program is still in place, you will receive your award. This award will be given to a member who has eight of the core multi-species master angler pins, and one form the specialty category. The award for this achievement will be an Elite Master Angler jacket. This is a cumulative award from the program inception on 06/01/2017. Meaning if it takes you until 2025 or longer to achieve this, we will maintain the records as long as the program is still in place, you will receive your award. Personal integrity from each member demonstrates our commitment to providing fun, exciting, and educational fishing opportunities. To encourage all club members to participate and strive for Angler of the Year, members will be limited to winning once every three years. WAM reserves the right to change or discontinue the program at any time. NOTE: All fish listed from the Core and Specialty categories are eligible for pins. For example, a brook and a brown trout are both eligible for pins. Click Images to Enlarge
| 2023-2024
ELENA HANSEN Eelpout, Flathead Catfish, Musky, Northern Pike, Smallmouth Bass, Sucker, Sunfish Click Image to Enlarge JULIE COLLMAN Crappie, Northern Pike, Smallmouth Bass, Splake, Steelhead Trout, Sturgeon, Walleye Click Image to Enlarge ROOKIE OF THE YEAR JACKIE SANTOPIETRO Channel Catfish, Perch, Sturgeon, Sucker, Tullibee, White Bass Click Image to Enlarge SPECIALIST OF THE YEAR JULIE COLLMAN Brook Trout, Channel Catfish, Pink Salmon, Rainbow Trout, Splake, Steelhead Trout, Sturgeon, Sucker Click Image to Enlarge 2022-2023 ANGLER OF THE YEAR Amy Munsinger - Crappie, Northern Pike, Perch, Shovel Nose Sturgeon, Sturgeon, Sunfish, Walleye Katie Corgiat - Coho Salmon, Largemouth Bass, Musky, Yellow Perch, Shovel Nose Sturgeon, Sucker, Sunfish ROOKIE OF THE YEAR Elena Hansen - Channel Catfish, Flathead Catfish, Yellow Perch, Rock Bass, Sturgeon, Sucker, Sunfish, Walleye SPECIALTIST OF THE YEAR Jean Clark - Channel Catfish, Coho Salmon, Rainbow Trout, Rock Bass, Shovel Nose Sturgeon, Sucker, Tullibee, White Bass 2021-2022 ANGLER OF THE YEAR Tracy Welsh - Crappie, Musky, Yellow Perch, Sunfish, Walleye, Sucker, Channel Catfish, Rainbow Trout ROOKIE OF THE YEAR Michelle Starr - Carp, Channel Catfish, Sucker Tessa Fell - Crappie, Sucker, Sunfish SPECIALTIST OF THE YEAR Katie Corgiat - Channel Catfish, Flathead Catfish, Coho Salmon, Chinook Salmon, Lake Trout, Steelhead Trout, Shovel Head Sturgeon, Sucker, White Bass 2020-2021 ANGLER OF THE YEAR Elizabeth Colsen - Walleye, Sturgeon, Smallmouth Bass, Sunfish, Crappie, Perch Erika Blegen - Walleye, Sturgeon, Smallmouth Bass, Sunfish, Channel Catfish, Northern Pike ROOKIE OF THE YEAR Kelsie Thomas - Sunfish, Yellow Perch, Walleye Tawny Dahlen - Crappie, Largemouth Bass, Walleye Tina Robinson - Crappie, Yellow Perch, Sunfish 2019-2020 ANGLER OF THE YEAR Michelle Morey - Walleye, Smallmouth Bass, Largemouth Bass, Musky, Brook Trout, Rainbow Trout 2018-2019 ANGLER OF THE YEAR Jessi Havemeier - Walleye, Smallmouth Bass, Yellow Perch Julie Lane - Sunfish, Smallmouth Bass, Yellow Perch 2017-2018 ANGLER OF THE YEAR Maddy Ogg - Walleye, Crappie, Yellow Perch |